Sunday, January 25, 2009

Canine Parvoviral Enteritis

so far the most common gastro-intestinal infection whenever it's puppy season, vaccinated or non-vaccinated.
clinical symptoms would be vomiting and diarrhea with or without blood.

how? canine parvovirus (cpv) or simply parvo is a viral disease transmitted feco-orally. meaning by ingestion of the virus which was shed through the feces from another infected puppy.
sometimes even though our pets are kept clean inside the house or cage we humans may bring in the virus whenever go out and get exposed to it, also fomites serve to spread the virus.
in newly acquired pets, some of them are may already be incubating the disease before or at the time of acquisition.

i will not dwell more on the technical and scientific aspects of the infection but here's what you can do for you and your pets.

1. buy only puppies with updated vaccinations or shots and from reputable breeders or fanciers.
2. as much as possible do not espose your new pet to other non-vaccinated dogs or puppies especially if their vaccination program has not been completed yet. do not walk them on pavements or areas frequented by strays and other dogs.
3. make sure you have your pups vaccinated. follow your vet's protocol. if you are unsure do some research or consult another.
4. do not play veterinarian with your pet (unless you are a practicing vet). as was previously described, each pet is unique and no two individual may respond to the same veterinary care and treatment. bring your puppy to the vet if you feel that something is wrong.

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