Friday, January 30, 2009



Certainly, this is not a commercial and i am not promoting the brand of milk you're seeing with the monkey. It just so happened that he (MOYMOY) needs it at the time.


Here's the story:
Apparently young people were playing with dancing firecrackers (WATUSI) on the night of Dec 21 and then tossing them at moymoy maybe to startle him or frighten him or just for fun. Being a monkey as he is, he is curious about it and maybe he eats some. He was presented to me in the morning, weak and lethargic, almost unconscious. We put IV and medications, he regained consciousness after sometime most likely due to the barking of the dogs. Now since he is awake, we tried to give him uncooked egg whites as an adsorbent to the firecracker but he doesn't swallow it so instead we tried giving him milk as a diluent which he took without protest, he stayed for a day more and went home after.

Firecrackers are poisonous. If you handled them, wash your hands before you eat. Several reports of children died because of it. Pets, if they ingested firecrackers, may also die from poisoning.


This is a ragdoll. A cat if you are not so familiar with the breed.

Anyway, she has an wound problem. Apparently there was an embolus affected one of her hindleg. As you may know, an embolus may be an air, a clot, a fat lobule, hair or any particle that travels within the blood vessel which may cause obstruction of the vessel. This condition is called embolism. If this happens, the affected area loses blood supply and if this happened that area will slowly die. If medical intervention is done then the area may be saved, if not, the body may still try to save itself but usually takes longer and the dying area may be predisposed to infection and gangrene (gangrene is the term to describe the death of a part of a body due to lack of blood supply as a result of several conditions like trauma, embolism, vascular disease or infection) thereby worsening the condition.

Here are some pictures of the case.
if you can handle this one then go on.

Do you want to faint? Ok if you can handle things then i'll go on.

These two pictures were taken after some of the areas affected died leaving an open wound. There are different types of managing an open wound (of which i will not go into more detail) and here, they treated the area as an open wound, applied bandages and cleaned the area on a regular basis such that they slowly tried to close the area when granulation tissue formed and there is enough skin to cover the wound.

This was taken during one of the many wound cleaning visits of this cat. Bandages were replaced every now and then and the wound is monitored for improvement and healing.

After some time the wound healed and treatment ended on September 9, 2008, with a little less a bone and tissues.
Now look at the healed leg of this ragdoll, unfortunately she is unable to use this leg but i think she's fine with three legs though.

This was a case in the AI Animal Medical Center and the present condition of this cat was relayed by Dr. Yunuki Toshi.

Sunday, January 25, 2009

this japanese domestic cat

about 2 days before i left japan, this cat was presented at the clinic. unable to stand, weak and dehydated. owners told us that the cat went missing for several days and when they found her (cat), she was in this condition. radiograph revealed comminuted fracture of the proximal third of the right femur, we suspected hit by car incident or trauma/blow. blood tests were also done and we found out that the cat was positive for Feline Immunodeficiency Virus (FIV) aka Feline Aids (another story). This cat underwent surgery 2 days later which i wasn't able to see coz i was on my way back to manila.
If this happened here in the philippines there are several ways this cat will end up.
1. an individual who can afford the surgery and loves this cat will have a go for surgery and confinement.
2 an individual will bring this cat to the clinic but declines surgery, opts for other choices and may have the cat euthanized.
3. a person will bring this to the clinic and abandon it.
3. will end up on the streets to die.

Anyway, since this took place in japan, it was brought to the clinic and care was given.
I did some follow up through e-mail to Dr. Toshi (hi doc!) and he said that she got well, she was able to walk. Apparently an infection occured at the limb with the implant and they need to remove the implant (not the limb!) and it became better.

Canine Parvoviral Enteritis

so far the most common gastro-intestinal infection whenever it's puppy season, vaccinated or non-vaccinated.
clinical symptoms would be vomiting and diarrhea with or without blood.

how? canine parvovirus (cpv) or simply parvo is a viral disease transmitted feco-orally. meaning by ingestion of the virus which was shed through the feces from another infected puppy.
sometimes even though our pets are kept clean inside the house or cage we humans may bring in the virus whenever go out and get exposed to it, also fomites serve to spread the virus.
in newly acquired pets, some of them are may already be incubating the disease before or at the time of acquisition.

i will not dwell more on the technical and scientific aspects of the infection but here's what you can do for you and your pets.

1. buy only puppies with updated vaccinations or shots and from reputable breeders or fanciers.
2. as much as possible do not espose your new pet to other non-vaccinated dogs or puppies especially if their vaccination program has not been completed yet. do not walk them on pavements or areas frequented by strays and other dogs.
3. make sure you have your pups vaccinated. follow your vet's protocol. if you are unsure do some research or consult another.
4. do not play veterinarian with your pet (unless you are a practicing vet). as was previously described, each pet is unique and no two individual may respond to the same veterinary care and treatment. bring your puppy to the vet if you feel that something is wrong.