Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Remembering Barnie.

A few months back, Barnie, a 13-year-old Basset Hound was presented due to sudden enlargement of the abdomen. I suddenly remembered Lucy (one of my earlier posts). Bloat was my diagnosis.

I had to pass a stomach tube in order to release the trapped gas and then flush the stomach with saline solution. Blood results were unremarkable and she was declined for surgical treatment, thus we had to modify her diet and keep her under confinement. A week later, she was discharged but was returned due to the same condition three days after her release. Her recovery this time was slower but we were able to keep her stable. Days later, she went home.

I haven't heard from her owner until last month when we bumped into each other inside a mall. Barney never had another bloat episode after her 2nd release. However, since she was old and her liver was compromised, she deteriorated about 2 weeks after.

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